Product photography – pricing and fees
Seamless white background.
High-resolution digital files in JPG or TIFF format.
Royalty-free unlimited use of images.
Photo editing to correct dust and minor flaws.
Retouching where some element of the actual item has to be changed, will be charged for.
Pricing for individual, non-glass items
- $200 creative fee / studio session fee
+ - $65 per photo; for 1 item + $35 per angle / view
- $45 per photo; for multiple similar items + $30 per angle / view
For grouped items in a single photograph, there is an increase in the fee.
Pricing for individual glass / reflective items
- $250 creative fee / studio session fee
+ - $90 per photo; for 1 item + $50 per angle / view
- $65 per photo; for multiple similar items + $40 per angle / view
For grouped items in a single photograph, there is an increase in the fee.
Transparency masking is an optional extra: $8 per photo.
Turn-around time on initial images are 7 days or less.
Retouching of images will take another 7 days (or less.)
Please contact me for more info or any questions.