How do you get more bokeh? Let me explain ... you can't! Using "bokeh" as a phrase like that makes no sense. Bokeh and shallow depth-of-field (DoF) aren't equivalent. DoF does affect bokeh to a certain measure, but it's not the same thing. You can not use those phrases interchangeably. Phrases like "give it more bokeh" hurt our sensibilities because it is nonsensical.
Bokeh is a description of the QUALITY of the background blur. There's no QUANTITY to it, hence you can't give more or less bokeh.
In this image, shot with a Nikon 50mm f/1.4 Read more inside...
In the recent article — The simplicity of on-camera bounce flash — the flash was used as fill light to "clean up" the light and give a sparkle to the eyes. In that scenario, as fill-flash the flash didn't really add directional light or shape the light on our subject. Where on-camera bounce flash is our only / main light source, then we can get creative with the direction of light and shape an interesting, dynamic light pattern on our subject. We can even create short lighting for our portraits created with only on-camera bounce flash. To Read more inside...