Creating AI Art – but now what?
I just paid for a one month subscription to Stable Diffusion AI just to check it out. My first ever foray into “creating AI Art”.
Here is my 3rd “creation” with AI. And here is the prompt for these 4 images:
“sepia tinted black & white photo with distressed edges to the photo showing a truly beautiful woman from the 1930s wearing a hat and a long coat slightly open in the front, flaring from the wind. In the background is an out of focus scene from Manhattan with various buildings and cars and out of focus people”
These images look absolutely stunning. I seriously am impressed with the results. All this took seconds.
However, this seems kinda pointless for me (since I’m doing this without a specific end in mind like illustrating a book.)
So now what?
Create “art” which I had exactly ZERO skills for, aside from being mildly literate?
Watermark them that these were created with my super-awesome magical secret prompts?
I could churn these out as all day long, every day … but without an ounce of pride or satisfaction, for these aren’t mine. Not my work. But damn, these look good enough to slap a watermark on.
The world is increasingly being split into two groups – 1) People who can only push buttons and 2) People who know how things work. The button pushers will all use the same computer programs to make the same generic images. They look stunning now, but soon will look ordinary and boring.
But the demand for “people who know how things work” will grow because they are the ones who will find new methods and produce new types of images. You are already seeing some of this with the amazing growth of film and other analog processes.
Do we still need cameras? I think this will be very interesting for the selfie / influencer generation. Instead of spending hours getting the perfect angle they can do it all in AI.
Is this going to be the end of bigger and bigger phone cameras?
I use SD for retouching, it does excellent job and really saves me time. In the scenario of family birthday party, for example. And I dont pay anything for it, I have it installed on my computer.
Sometimes I go create things with it, like create background for a portrait, or pieces of clothes…
THere is really no point bashing the AI, it’s here to stay. Embrace it!
BTW, really enjoyed your idea of small black foam blocking the flash. Took it and put to use :-)
THank you.
“Ai is coming for your job”. Not quite.
People who know how to use AI is coming for your job.
Keep on exploring it and see what you can do with it
These images are absolutely beautiful, I see they were made with AI, and yes they seem useless until you use them for inspiration. I would like to re-create them to an extent, I know there would be no way to be in 1930 for background effects, But I think it would make for outstanding photographs. I think the background could be an old building and the results could be very similar. I have not jumped in to the AI world, but as way to create photos in AI and use that to come up with ideas might be the real benefit of AI. IMO