I make no secret of it that I'm not overly thrilled with Canon in general. I was stung badly over the years by their poor quality control. However, I will concede one point to Canon where they are immeasurably better than Nikon - Canon makes a glue that sticks! Not like Nikon where the rubber parts of the camera grip eventually will peel away. It's a Nikon thing. The latest is this rubber peeling loose from the memory card door on my Nikon D810.
I love Nikon, but this is tedious. Catch up with Canon! Do some industrial espionage and figure Read more inside...
I know there's a lot of curiosity about this topic - whether I shoot with Nikon or Canon or Sony. Or why I would have multiple systems, or shoot with a camera other than they expect. It seems that whenever I post here about which camera gear I use currently, some people are surprised that I'm not using Canon.
This article was first posted in 2012, and this is the 2024 update, with some necessary changes. The theme remains though : I can honestly say that I will never use Canon cameras professionally again. At the moment (2024) I do have various Read more inside...