This group photo appeared as part of a sequence of images, for a story on the CEO for a financial magazine. The group photo was a composite of a number of photos of the individuals. For a first attempt though, I took a safe shot first of the group with two Profoto B1 flashes bounced into the hallways behind me (photo shown below) … but it kinda looked dull in comparison to the final collage image which the client much more preferred.
For this collage / composite photo, I had my assistant light each person individually with a Profoto Read more inside...
Comparison between a softbox, a white shoot-through umbrella and a bounce umbrella
I've had several requests from readers of the Tangents blog about how the light from a softbox would differ from the light from an umbrella. Spurred on by that, and by my own curiosity, I met up a while ago with my favorite model, Anelisa, specifically to do comparison shots.
And here it is ... Read more inside...