After Dark photography education
This photograph was taken at one of the stations at the After Dark workshops. Two strip lights on either side, freezing this acrobatic performer doing jumps on his board. Pretty wild, I think.
“Pretty wild” would also sum up the general experience of attending the After Dark workshops. This is where After Dark differs from other workshops and conventions, in my opinion. Just a simple description of the workshop as being 3 days of a series of seminars and demonstrations, doesn’t quite encompass it …
Unfortunately, the last After Dark event took place in 2014. I’m going to take a (probably accurate) guess here that repeatedly running an event of this magnitude across the USA, would take its toll on the organizers.
After Dark was a hands on, creative learning environment. At each event (which took place twice a year), there were 10 booths where lighting techniques were demonstrated; and 10 pods with presenters discussing anything from business to Photoshop processing … all running simultaneously for the greater part of the 3 days. Sounds chaotic? In a way it was. In a good way. Structured chaos. And I mean that in the best possible way.
Photographers that attended, could pick which presentations they want to attend, and either linger there … or float around to another presentation. It’s that laid-back. So you could’ve intensively attended a few presentations; or sit in on any event, and listen a while, and move on. This would suit some better, being able to soak up a lot of different things. After Dark was about the practical experience as well, so you do get to shoot at the areas where there were lighting setups. At times there might be available space without an instructor, and you can try your own thing. Perfect. We all learn in different ways.
It was fun. It was educational … and you got to socialize. All the best aspects of a photography workshop in a friendly nurturing environment. And surprisingly affordable. Oh, and it is called ‘After Dark’, since most of the activity takes place in the evening, until late late late. In fact, the seminars only started at 1:30pm. My kinda people.
I was fortunate to be a presenter at six of these events, and learned so much in turn. I used some of the photographs that I took there, to illustrate some tutorials and articles on the Tangents blog. Click on the banner to see the list.
At the St Louis, April 2014 event,Travis Gadsby had this setup – two massive soft boxes and a dancer who’d twirl around, so that the powder she flung, would create patterns around her.
I had my walk-about camera with me – Fuji X100s (affiliate). I didn’t have the wireless trigger, so I couldn’t set the flashes off. But I set my camera to motor-drive, and 6 frames per second. Shooting at 1/4 second, and f/11 @ 200 ISO, I was able to intermittently catch some of the frames where the flashes would go off, to show this behind-the-scenes set up.
Of all the multi-day photography seminar / workshop events, I would honestly say that After Dark is the best that I have experienced.
Hi Neil! First I must say that I truely appreciate all the information that you explain and demonstrate, it is very helpful! Especially shooting Nikon, I can directly apply. I purchased the Lumodi 14 Beauty Dish after your review and really like it!
I attended After Dark Las Vegas and it was AWESOME! I recognized the convention center walls and carpet from the post above explaining the pocketwizard AC3 Zone Controller. :) It was an incredible learning experience and would have loved to meet you! I’ll stop being a silent follwer of your blog and jump in on the conversation and forum!
Neil, I only had the pleasure to attend one of your lectures at B&H and you changed the way I use the on camera flash forever, and reading your blog on a regular basis is helping me become a better photographer, thank you for your time and for sharing all this amazing information.
Once again, thank you, and congratulations because a lot of people is recognizing the excellent photographer and person that you are.
Sounds fantastic Neil. How is the division of time spent on shooting versus business? I’m more interested in the shooting and trying to decide if it will be worthwhile to attend.
David … this is the beauty of After Dark: you set your program for the week, depending on which part you want to attend. There are multiple events / pods / shooting bays happening at the same time. Or you can arrange with a model and meet up with her at an open shooting bay.
David, I’ve been to 2 After Darks (Cincinnati and Tucson). In both, on the first evening your choices on the first evening were either business (such as pricing, how to incorporate boudoir into your business, work/life balance, etc.) or critiques. The mentors are all amazing photographers with oftentimes different styles, and yet they all work together well. You’ll definitely take something out of one of those business pods, even if you think you’re only there to shoot. Just seeing the critiques of others’ photos is educational.
The shooting bays are 2 days of non-stop “how can I possibly sleep when there’s so much to do??” You can shoot on-site or off. In fact, there’s so much variety that you really have to focus on ONE thing you want to nail when you’re there, such as weddings, lighting, posing, etc.
I would go to every one if I could afford it. And of course, Neil’s classes are fabulous! I HIGHLY recommend. Your skill will improve immensely. Even the mentors who have been doing photography for 10 or 25 years all say they learn cool things from others.
I’ve heard so many great things about AD over the years – and then thought it was gone before I had a chance to attend. Really happy to see AD back, registered right away, and looking forward to meeting you there!
Hi Neil, you are a legend! Just watched your direction of light vid on Youtube which brought a few “ooooooohhh!” moments. Not to mention Tangents being the finest learning resource on the net. THANK YOU!
Thank you for the kind words. If you liked the Youtube presentation, then I am sure you will like my book on which the presentation was based – Direction and Quality of Light.
I first read about After Dark from a Tangents blog you wrote maybe 3 years ago, which spurred me to give it a go in Cincinnati. After having come home now from my 6th AD event, I would like to give you, Neil, an official hearty “Thank you!” for introducing me to such an impressive setting for photographic exploration.
I found my happy place / face again at After Dark.
(Me in the act of taking a selfie for Instagram.)