Nearly 8 years ago I found a studio space in an old warehouse here in New Jersey, and transformed it over time into a full-equipped photography studio with an extensive range of Profoto lighting gear. My initial post about this -- Finally, my own studio space! -- will show how I started out with not much at all. It was a transformational move for me, enabling me to shift my photography career towards commercial work and studio portraits and headshots and product photography. Much of this is challenging and awkward when you work from home. Having a studio space of my Read more inside...
The video tutorials that I created for the Craftsy platform was very popular and received really good feedback. Then sometime during the past year, Craftsy changed hands, then rebranded, and then folded ... and has now been resurrected again! The video classes are available again. Check them out if you're not familiar with them.
Portraits with on-camera speedlight
Off-camera flash photography
Wedding photography – The romantic portrait session
Wedding photography – Posing family groups Read more inside...
I present personal workshops and tutoring sessions which are tailored to your needs and to your schedule. These individual workshops are available as well throughout the year, depending on both of our schedules. My studio is only 17 miles from Manhattan. Just a short hop from New York and quite accessible by bus. Oh, and there's parking at the studio. Free parking.
If you are limited in how far you can travel, we can do an online tutoring session via Zoom or Skype, to help you get a much better understanding of photography and lighting Read more inside...
This is both exciting and humbling. Profoto USA has included me in their list of 'Legends Of Light', alongside some of the biggest names in the photography world ... some of whom I can even count as friends and peers. Now the challenge is to live up to this!
Here are the articles on the Tangents blog where I show how I use Profoto flashes on location and in the studio. Read more inside...
This is a big deal for me - I'm featured in the December issue of Rangefinder magazine, the official publication for WPPI, the premier Wedding and Portrait Photography association. So yes, it's something to brag about.
The article is a four-part segment which focuses on studio lighting, with the accent on making the lighting and varied.
The challenge with a studio is always that of making the 'square box with white walls' interesting. You have to work with the lighting that you have to create images with variety and different looks Read more inside...
It never gets old to see your work in print somewhere - this time in issue 177 of Digital Photographer magazine, a photography publication from the UK. For this article they asked ten photographers for their essential tips they'd like to share with the readers of the magazine. Read more inside...
It's time for me to fully embrace FB ... and have a FB group that relates to the Tangents blog. With that, I will be re-posting photography related stuff to this group. As the Facebook group for the Tangents blog, this is where anyone can show off photos; ask questions; hang out and discuss photography.
This has also become necessary since FB is randomly throttling organic traffic to my FB page on photography when I announce new Tangents posts. Perhaps this move will also stop some people's disappointment when I post a cat video to my personal FB Read more inside...
Featured in Professional Photographer magazine (PPA)
Perhaps, as you page through your February 2016 copy of Professional Photographer magazine, and you get to page 92, you may think to yourself, "Hmmm, these photos aren't half-bad!" ... then glance over to the intro on page 93, and .. oh yes, I'm featured in the latest edition of PPA's magazine!
It is a huge honor that the editors at Professional Photographer approached me and wrote a feature about my wedding photography. The article concentrates on my approach to lighting, with a reference to the books I've written on flash Read more inside...
The Tangents blog has an anniversary of sorts around now - it's been 10 years since I posted the first series of articles on flash photography.
Ten years!
Ten incredible years of consistently adding more material, and refining the existing material. In terms of longevity, this website surely has to be up there amongst only a few other photography websites.
This is a little bit of a self-high-5 ... but it is also a really big thank you to everyone who has helped over the years, whether with advice or by posting questions, keeping this website Read more inside...