Photographing events like weddings, and in this case, Bar / bat mitzvahs, I bring a big roller case - the Think Tank Logistics Manager 30 (B&H / Amazon) - with several cameras and lenses. At the moment I straddle Nikon and Sony. As much as I love the Sony A9's eye focus capabilities there are some situations where the Nikon D5 is the beast that I can rely on. It so rarely doesn't deliver with precision. I bring a range of lenses - a mix of f/2.8 zooms, and several fast primes. (I have a self-imposed rule that I Read more inside...
Because I so often use on-camera bounce flash, one of the questions I'm regularly asked is, what if there is nothing to bounce your flash off? There is also the variant - what if there isn't enough light from the bounced flash?
In both cases, the answer is the same - you improvise!
Not only that, but you need to be prepared to improvise.
The photograph above is from a recent Bat Mitzvah, showing the big group shot of the kids. If you've photographed Bar / Bat Mitzvahs before, you know this is coming up, and you have to be prepared for Read more inside...