If you have a love for bold images with punch to the colors and details, then you might be drawn to High-Dynamic Range (HDR) software. The HDR effect is often overdone and can look garish, but done with a certain deft artistic eye, can look wonderful.
I'm drawn to the look of HDR, but found the software options that I've tried, to either be clunky or limited. Now combine this with my preference for things that work, and is easy to use, or at least, easy enough to delve into right from the start ... and it will help explain why I immediately liked Trey Read more inside...
A versatile lighting tool that is always in my camera bag - a video light. With a video light you can localize how you light up something like details at an event. Unlike bounce flash, it doesn't light up the entire scene - just where you point the video light at. Eg: bounce flash vs video light. I love LED video lights (affiliate), since they are compact, don’t run hot, and the color balance can be continuously changed from 3200K tungsten (Incandescent) to 5600K Daylight. Light is produced flicker free at any frame rate or shutter Read more inside...
Backblaze is part of my back-up system which I use to ensure that data loss won't happen. It is important to have your files backed-up to the cloud, and on extra hard drives at home or the office. Ideally a RAID array of some kind so you don't rely on a single hard drive. I want my data backed-up on a RAID array with redundant hard drives. For this, I use Drobos with dual redundancy. It is crucial to have off-site back-ups of your files that are continually updated as you work. Backblaze is so easy to use, and so affordable, that there Read more inside...