I do like the concept of 'getting it right in camera', but I am nowhere near being a purist about it. Before posting images online and in my wedding and portrait blog, I do some skin retouching and basic cleaning up. Before posting images for clients in a Facebook album, I also do some basic retouching. Mild skin retouching, and then cleaning up extraneous things that distract. Just a general sweetening of the photo. Nothing too labor intensive. Most photographs can benefit from some thought about how to clean it up a bit to give it even more impact by removing Read more inside...
Adding a texture layer to an image is a relatively easy way to enhance an image where there are large tonal areas that are even. That bit of texture can just be the bit of sweetening to make the photo more eye-catching. Of course, the way the texture layer is added, can be subtle or very noticeable. Your choice.
I felt this dramatic photo of Claudia, taken in the studio, could use an extra bit of juice. There are different ways of doing this. Again, your choice. Here is how I (sometimes) add textures to photos: Read more inside...
Photoshop tip - easy effect for more punch to your photos
Here is a well-known Photoshop technique - one that I like and use on occasion. It desaturates the photograph, while also compressing the tonal range. It creates a modern look that also looks quite trendy. It is also quite easy to apply, by dragging the layers from a reference image once you've set it up.
Starting with the original image, I add these two layers: Read more inside...