Scam - Domain name registration / SEO service registration
As if the e-mail scams aren't bad enough, they are now texting photographers with the same scam! But there is another scam that has been going around for years now - but it is so obvious that I doubt many people will fall for it. But just in case anyone has any doubt, or may be a touch too inattentive, this next one is also a scam - fake domain renewals / SEO service registration.
If you have a website - and this means everyone - then you have received these emails, warning you to renew your domain. There are also Read more inside...
Photographers are more and more becoming the target for scammers and con artists. They come in all kinds of ways. Really, it's the Wild West out there! The most prevalent scam is the over-payment scam where the photographer is asked if they are available for a date ... and they just want to throw money at you and book you, without even finding out details.
One of the things that reveal them, is the phrasing. For example, if they say "your city", then it is 100% guaranteed to be a scam. Other vague descriptions like that should also start the Read more inside...
In addition to the commonly found over-payment scams that target photographers, and the Scam: Domain name registration / SEO service registration scams, there are scams that try to sell you domain names they don't own.
Here is an example that crops up regularly, where a domain with important keywords is offered for sale. WebnameSolution is just one of the companies that try their devious hand at this.
The best advice I can give here, is that you do your homework first and find out who actually owns the domain name! Do a whois on the domain, Read more inside...