Any parent will know that the kiddo has a distinct personality from the moment it is born. For the photographer then, the ideal is to capture some of this personality.
My own take on photographing babies, is that I want to forego all the props and accoutrements associated with baby photography you often see - the hats and such. While the toys are often necessary to keep the child's attention, I still like to photograph just the baby.
Liam's parents were close by, getting his attention. I prefer that if anyone calls to him, that they do Read more inside...
Simple lighting setup to photograph kids indoors - Bounce flash!
Meet Jack. He's 1 year old. We kinda photographed him just over a year ago with the maternity photo session with his mom and dad. But this is him now, for real. When Amy and Nick asked me to do a portrait session with him, we started off at their house. I wanted to grab a few candid photos of Jack happily playing before we set off to a nearby park.
Since kids scoot around all over the place, for me, it made most sense to just use on-camera bounce flash. Minimal gear - just the speedlight on my camera. And of course, Read more inside...
Using a macro lens for a photo session of a newborn
I had the pleasure of photographing Jen and David's newborn baby. Aside from photographing the proud parents with their little one, it is also essential to get detail photos of the baby. With close-up images, you see even more clearly just how small this newborn baby is, when you show the scale. A tiny hand clasping a finger. Tiny toes gently flexing against her mother's hand.
For this, a macro lens is an essential part of my camera bag. Read more inside...