This video tutorial on TTL fill-flash settings, is the visual counterpart to this article - Flash Exposure Compensation (FEC). Whether you use on-camera bounce flash, or off-camera TTL flash as in this off-camera flash tutorial, you will need to adjust your FEC to control the amount of TTL flash you get. Adjusting the FEC allows you varying degrees of fill-flash. This video and the article on flash exposure compensation explains a sequence where you get to compare how different levels of fill-flash affect your final photograph.
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With the recent posts on lighting the formal wedding photos with bounce flash, the question came up, "How much flash exposure compensation (FEC) was used?" (FEC) was used. (The image above is from the sequence.) I thought it would make a good separate short article on the topic.
My settings for that photograph: 1/100th @ f3.2 @ 800 ISO
and flash was bounced TTL flash.
How much FEC did I dial in? I could answer that my FEC was +0.7 EV, but that numerical value might not contain enough real information ... Read more inside...