One advantage that the larger speedlights have over the smaller speedlights - aside from more power - is that they show the distance the flash can reach for the specific settings. This video is a continuation of the off-camera flash tutorial series. What is described in this video is also written out in more detail in this article: Practical tutorial: Controls for manual flash exposure. If manual flash seems confusing, then I would recommend checking that article out as well, and then look at this video tutorial on manual flash settings again. Read more inside...
This video tutorial on TTL fill-flash settings, is the visual counterpart to this article - Flash Exposure Compensation (FEC). Whether you use on-camera bounce flash, or off-camera TTL flash as in this off-camera flash tutorial, you will need to adjust your FEC to control the amount of TTL flash you get. Adjusting the FEC allows you varying degrees of fill-flash. This video and the article on flash exposure compensation explains a sequence where you get to compare how different levels of fill-flash affect your final photograph.
Also check out these Read more inside...
Off-camera flash tutorial - Off-camera flash on location
Continuing on from the previous off-camera flash tutorial, we explore balancing ambient light with off-camera flash. With this video tutorial, we use a speedlight in a softbox, and we look at using TTL flash. There is a certain simplicity when we work with TTL flash in a non-static situation - we allow the technology to help us get to proper flash exposure quickly. More about this in the article on Manual flash vs TTL flash.
We start off just using the available light for a few headshots of our model, Anelisa. The next step Read more inside...
Off-camera flash tutorial - Balancing flash with ambient light
In the previous off-camera flash tutorial, we started at the elemental level where we did not have to consider ambient light. This helped us in understanding a few of the basics. Ultimately though, where off-camera flash will be used most, is on location where you have to consider the ambient light as well. With this tutorial video, we look at how we would go about balancing flash with ambient light.
With this segment, we cover the essentials such as:
· Using maximum flash sync speed.
· Flash exposure Read more inside...
Off-camera flash tutorial - Flash with no ambient light
This tutorial about off-camera flash, is one of the segments in a series on how to use off-camera flash in a simple scenario - where there is no ambient light. This is a good introduction to the topic. In the next tutorial video, we will consider how we go about adding off-camera flash when we work with ambient light.
With this introduction, we cover the essentials such as:
· Basic gear you would need for off-camera flash.
· How we decide on our settings - in this case, it is really easy. We decide what aperture and ISO Read more inside...
Will flash freeze movement at slow shutter speeds?
Does flash freeze motion at slow shutter speeds (in low light)? The answer is ... maybe. Perhaps. It depends. There are several factors which will determine whether flash will freeze motion at slow shutter speeds.
It is difficult giving a definitive answer because it depends on the scenario. In short - if your subject isn't lit by much available light (with ambient light 4 stops or less than your flash exposure), then flash will freeze the action ... if there is no bright background. Probably. But it depends on the type of Read more inside...