Looking at some of the questions about photography that appear via Google searches, I wanted to more directly answer some of the questions. This article is a selection of questions that I decided to amalgamate into one longer article. The questions mostly center around exposure metering and selection of camera settings.
A related page looks specifically at questions about flash photography. Read more inside...
Under-exposure / Over-exposure vs. exposing correctly
When I posted this photograph of Peiwen & Eric's wedding in Melbourne, Australia, on Facebook, someone asked the question: how much did I over-expose this photo by?
We have to be very clear with our terminology regarding over-exposure and under-exposure. This photograph is not over-exposed. It is exposed correctly! Did my camera's light-meter jump all the way to the right-hand side? Yes, it surely did. Does it matter? No, it does not. Why not? Because I exposed correctly. Not under, not over, but correctly.
This Read more inside...
In preparation for a review of the Fuji X-100 camera, I met up with Anelisa to see how this little camera performed during an actual photo shoot. The image above was one of the photographs we ended up with. Now, there is something specific about it that I wanted to explain in a separate article, instead of it being glossed over deeper inside a camera review.
The composition is simple - I do like my compositions fairly central, it seems. Similarly, the lighting is simplicity itself - all available light. There were two main sources of Read more inside...
I noticed that search engine query come up in my web-stats - 'which metering mode for outdoor photos'. So it might be a good idea to answer it specifically. Which metering mode should you use for outdoor photography? Or for that matter any kind of photography?
The basic approach is quite simple: Since I'm using manual exposure mode nearly exclusively, no matter which route I take to get to a specific shutter speed / aperture / ISO combination ... I would be getting the exact same exposure regardless of which metering mode was used.
In this Read more inside...