Using an external intervalometer for time-lapse photography
Using an external intervalometer for time-lapse photography
A night-to-day time-lapse shot from our apartment window when we recently visited Toronto. I wanted to travel lightly on this trip, so I took my Sony A7 iii camera (B&H / Amazon) and the Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 (B&H / Amazon). And just in case, I also packed the lightweight Siriu 1004X traveler tripod with E-10 ball-head (B&H), since I anticipated doing some low-light photography, and perhaps even some time-lapse photography. At the time, Sony, in their infinite wisdom, somehow didn't have Read more inside...Time-Lapse Photography project in New York: Cipriani
Time-Lapse Photography project in New York: Cipriani
The beauty of time-lapse photography is that you are able compress a much longer event, into a shorter video which can be visually grasped. One of the biggest time-lapse projects I have been involved in, is for a New York event planner, Norma Cohen Productions, who needed a time-lapse video to show the epic scale of a wedding reception that she was tasked with. It took 3 days to set up this entire event! I shot 32,500 RAW frames with 4 cameras over the course of those 3 days. And yes, it took my computer several days to grind Read more inside...Featured on PDN: How to shoot cinematic time-lapses
Featured on PDN: How to shoot cinematic time-lapses
Just in case you're not aware of what PDN is - Photo District News is one of the premier photography industry magazines in the USA. And of course, since we are in the 21st century, they maintain a web presence and a Facebook page. So as you can imagine then, it was a big honor that the team at PDN asked me about how I shoot time-lapse videos, and what equipment I use, as well as tips on camera settings and such. This led to a 2-part video, of which the first appeared on PDN magazine's website: How to shoot cinematic time-lapse Read more inside...Camera settings for Time-lapse photography
Camera settings for Time-lapse photography
With even smart phones now offering a Time-lapse Photography mode, this interesting area of photography is accessible to anyone. For the smooth, professional-looking time-Lapse sequences you see in movies and TV series, you would have to put some thought into how you control your camera - and specifically, your camera settings for time-lapse photography. The smoothness of a time-lapse sequence is mostly dependent on the choice of camera settings ... and there is a specific thought-process involved. This does involve a bit of Read more inside...Time-lapse photography video clip – Brooklyn waterfront, NYC
Time-lapse photography video clip - Brooklyn waterfront, NYC
Dipping ever deeper into Time-Lapse Photography, I recently bought the Dynamic Perception Stage One motion controller. What makes it unusual, is that it breaks down into 20" segments. The carbon-fibre rods are also light enough to carry around in a tall backpack ... just the recipe for adventures in Time-Lapse photography. One thing that you quickly realize with Time-Lapse is that there is a never-ending learning curve. Just as you have a good grasp on the ethnical aspects of shooting - the gear, and such - then you realize Read more inside...Time-lapse photography tips: Shooting sequences