Flash photography tip – Adding flash to ambient light
Flash photography tip - Adding flash to ambient light
When I saw the beautiful architecture of the Court House in Denver, CO, I knew that I wanted to use this as a backdrop for part of the mini photography workshop in Denver. In terms of composition, the imposing pillars and leading lines of the steps would simultaneously make a simple and classic background. Our model, Elizabeth, fortunately had this simple, yet elegant black dress as part of her wardrobe. For me, this photo comes together with the way the model (with her own style and styling), and the chosen location, complements Read more inside...Comparing max flash sync speed – 1/250 vs 1/200
Comparing maximum flash sync speed - 1/250 vs 1/200
A comment that was posted in the photo gear section, asked about the relative merits of 1/250 max flash sync speed, vs 1/200 max flash sync speed. Hi Neil, thanks again for Tangents, & your books which I refer to a lot. You have a gift in teaching and your passion is contagious. You’re probably my no 1 reference out there amongst the myriad of info now available. That’s why I’d like your opinion on the D600, particularly the 1/200 sync speed factor. I just bought one. Do you think it’s a big issue. Mr Hobby considers major Read more inside...Camera & flash settings: What do you want to achieve?
Camera & flash settings: What do you want to achieve?
In one of the multitude of photography groups on Facebook, I saw a newcomer to off-camera flash say that she bought an Alien-Bee set, but she has no idea what to set it to. My reply was that she needed a light-meter. My thinking is that then she'd know what the specific output of the flash or strobe would be, and then be able to set her camera to it. But then, thinking about it some more, I realized if there is hesitation there or confusion, it is about what specific camera settings (mostly aperture) should be in the first Read more inside...Using a neutral density (ND) filter to control DoF with flash
Using a neutral density (ND) filter to control DoF with flash
When working in bright sunlight with flash units that can't go into high-speed flash sync, we have a ceiling in terms of our shutter speed / aperture combination. The shutter speed limitation then would be our maximum flash sync speed. The bright daylight would then imply a small aperture - most likely around f/11 Why f/11 ? The Sunny 16 Rule dictates that in bright sunlight, we're most likely working at 1/100 @ f/16 @ 100 ISO. This translates into a handy short-cut of: 1/200 @ f/11 @ 100 ISO, where 1/200 is the maximum Read more inside...Bounce flash with and without the black foamie thing
Bounce flash comparison: With & without the black foamie thing
One of the presentations that I gave at the After Dark event in St Louis, was (perhaps inevitably by now), about bounce flash photography. Part of this was a sequence explaining how the direction that you bounce your flash into, will define the light pattern on your subject. The black foamie thing helps in directing the light from your flash, especially if you want short lighting on your subject. And here is the comparison - with the black foamie thing, and without. Without flagging the flash, there is direct Read more inside...What if bounce flash isn’t strong enough?
What if bounce flash isn't strong enough?
Because I so often use on-camera bounce flash, one of the questions I'm regularly asked is, what if there is nothing to bounce your flash off? There is also the variant - what if there isn't enough light from the bounced flash? In both cases, the answer is the same - you improvise! Not only that, but you need to be prepared to improvise. The photograph above is from a recent Bat Mitzvah, showing the big group shot of the kids. If you've photographed Bar / Bat Mitzvahs before, you know this is coming up, and you have to be prepared for Read more inside...Composition, posing, light & lighting
Composition, posing, light & lighting - when it all comes together
I just love this photograph of Anastasia Z, and want to share some of the through-process in how it came together. To test the Canon 6D camera (affiliate) and the Canon 24-70mm f/4.0L IS lens (affiliate), I met up with Anastasia Z in New York. I scouted this area, while we were waiting for Anastasia who was running a touch late. Just as well I did the scouting earlier on, because it was freezing outside. I saw the way this building over the Highline in Manhattan was creating this jagged Read more inside...Lingerie photo session: Video light & Studio flash
Lingerie photo session: Video light & Studio flash
Olena is a wonderful model that I love working with because of her natural instinct for posing. So for a test shoot in my new studio space, she was an easy choice. (Here is Olena's model mayhem portfolio.) We shot several outfits, using different lighting setups. This one is interesting because of the simplicity of the setup - using a gridded Profoto RFi 1’×4? softbox (affiliate) to control the light, and a Lowel ID-Light (affiliate) as a back-light to give that warm glow to her hair. It really helped enhance Read more inside...How to mount multiple flashes / speedlites
How to mount multiple flashes / speedlites
Quite often, a single speedlight just isn't enough. You need more! You might need a smaller aperture than the single speedlight would provide (even at full power), or you might be battling very bright ambient light. High-Speed Flash Sync doesn't help you in that case. Then you need to add another speedlight. The mount / bracket that I settled on is the RPS Light Bar with Four Accessory Shoes RS-3102 (affiliate). It is a bit unwieldy, especially when you have 4 speedlights mounted. But when you need it, you need it. It is this Read more inside...- « Previous Page
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