bounce flash example – short lighting
Having just finished the second of the two workshops here in Cork, Ireland, I feel unusually energized after the two busy days. Partly because the two workshops ran very smoothly, (courtesy of Liam Ramsell who coordinated these workshops), but also because I had two groups of genuinely nice people. On top of that, I am just enamored of the country and its people. I love it here!
But back to the photography:
The image above is of our one model, Noreen, and was taken during the practical session at a photography workshop in Cork, Ireland, where we played with on-camera bounce flash. The challenge was to figure out how to give us light that emulates studio portrait lighting. By being very specific where and how we bounce our flash, we can get short lighting with our on-camera flash.
The bounce flash technique hinges on the idea of bouncing my flash towards the area that I want my light to come from. I don’t think of my flash as being my light-source anymore. Rather, the wall or stuff that I bounce my flash off, now becomes a kind of softbox – a huge area giving me diffuse light. But since it comes from an off-camera direction, it is directional. Soft, directional light.
But in “placing my light-source” to the side of my subject like that, I aim my flash slightly towards my subject. To remove the chance of direct flash on her, I flag it with the black foamie thing. That linked article will explain more clearly exactly how I go about getting this quality of light from my on-camera flash.
Flagging my flash like that, is key here in getting directional light. Then it becomes a matter of directing my model so that the light comes in over her shoulder.
To give you an idea of the effect that the flash had, and what the image would look like without flash.
As you can see from this ambient-only exposure, the lighting in the top image is predominantly from the single speedlight that I bounced into the wall to my left. However, in positioning Noreen such that there is some available light from outside giving a very slight backlight to her, the portrait is given a little bit more dimension.
For comparison, here is the example where I bounced flash in the “usual” way, behind me. It does give much softer light than straight flash would have, but it is bland. Totally ‘meh’. Below that is the image at the top again, where I used the black foamie thing to flag my flash, and get directional light on my subject.
And of course, with a touch of sweetening in Photoshop, this time using one of the filters in Nik Color Efex Pro 3, the lovely portrait of Noreen can be enhanced to make it pop even more. But without good lighting, it wouldn’t have had as much impact.
on-camera flash modifier – the black foamie thing
The BFT is held in position by two hair bands (Amazon), and the BFT is usually placed on the under-side of the flash-head.
The linked articles will give clearer instruction, especially the video clip on using the black foamie thing.
related articles:
- a video clip where I demonstrate how I use the black foamie thing
- directional bounce flash
- the black foamie thing
- bounce flash and catchlights
- throw away the tupperware on your flash
- using bounce flash to mimic window light
Very crisp shot.
Any other retouching or sharpening, etc. other than Color Efex Pro 3?
Just a note to say thanks to Neil for running such a wonderful workshop in Cork, Ireland. It surpassed my expectations for sure. Neil made sure that each attendee was given personal tuition on all the topics covered, and everyone’s questions were answered ( no matter how stupid they were ;-). The hands-on sessions were fantastic of course, and that’s when we were really able to put Neil’s techniques into practise for ourselves. I have a wedding coming up soon, in the same venue where the workshop was held, so it’ll be interesting to see if I get the same results as on the course :) !
Thanks Neil,
All of that is ambient light?
Is it coming from a window and what was providing the backlight? Still ambient for both?
Lovely portrait Neil. The backlighting effect is quite subtle but works really well: I also love the way the light moulds her face – it all works to give a sense of depth. Amazing what you can do with just one flashlight (if you are sufficiently skilled – got a bit of practising to do yet myself).
It was great to meet you: I hope we will see you on these shores again before long.
All I can say is that if Neil comes to your town with his lighting workshop, do yourself a huge favor and do not miss it. This was hands down the best workshop I have ever been on. The techniques that you learn here will not only improve your images, they will force you to redefine the way you work and only for the better. Neil also worked hard to make sure everyone got his personal time and a solid understanding of the way he works himself, and the best part of it all was how it was delivered. Neil does what all great teachers can do, impart the information and make it seem simple when the truth is you are getting all his years of experience condensed into key areas that you can take and make your own.
Thanks again to Neil for taking the time to create this obviously high quality workshop, it has made me realize that on-camera flash really is capable of creating truly amazing images, and now I know the secrets to getting them!
I really enjoyed the course at the weekend. I found the day just sped by and I think that that was due to the way the course was structured……talk……practical. You immediately got to put into practice what you had been told.
Of course it was manily down to the ‘teacher’, you were entertaining and were able to simplify stuff (and perceptive to a confused face!!)
It was lovely to meet you and I would love to do another course with you soon, so maybe ………………..
Hi Neil, was the flash shot in ETTL and what was your Exp comp.
I attened Neils 1st Cork session + I would totally recommend it to any photographer no matter what level you’re at, Neil has totally changed my way of thinking when it comes to using Flash I had veered away from it due to high ISO :) but now I’m back to Flash Flash Flash (subtle of course) Oh yeah + the way he explained the techniques even a 2yr old could understand, no high end tech jargon (nice + simple) + the models were true Pros (thank girls)
Thanks Neil
I did my first shoot with Noreen exactly one year ago and since then have had the pleasure of doing several shoots with her. But I have yet to capture an image that’s as captivating as this! A super image, Neil.
I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, which reinforced much of what I already knew in theory but which I somehow never really put into practice myself, perhaps being somewhat of a disbeliever or maybe it’s because I tend to try and overcomplicate things when in reality, keeping things simple is often the best route to success. And it doesn’t get much simpler than the concepts you so clearly explained and illustrated during the workshop.
I’m looking forward to putting what I learned into practice in future.
– Thorsten.
Had the pleasure of attending the Monday workshop, it was fantastic.
I have read through Neil’s blog over and over again to help improve my flash photography. Neil’s blog has some brilliant information and advice, but attending the workshop is just a whole other level. He explains things brilliantly and then has you up shooting a model putting into practice what you have just learned. This is proven in lot of different disciplines as the best way to learn, you just can’t learn to the same way by purely reading about it.
If you enjoy Neil’s blog, and want to improve your flash photography, then go on one of his workshops. Also remember that Neil has gone to a lot of effort to share his knowledge and skill via his blog, and gets little if anything back financially for this, attending his workshop, or at a minimum buying his new book is a way of repaying Neil for his blog work.
Thanks to Neil for the work put into putting the workshop together, to Liam for the great organization and getting Neil over to Ireland, and finally to Noreen who showed great patience, she even comically pointed out a few times when we were doing something wrong!!
It is interesting to note the bluish-ness of the ambient light (which wasn’t immediately apparent to me until I saw the ambient-only photo and then went back to the first photo).
Did you have any concerns about the slight variation in color temperature? To me, it looks fine but since you often adjust WB in post, I wonder if you had any thoughts about it.
And also, was your flash gelled in this instance?
Thanks! (…and I’ve got your book on order.)
It is amazing what one light can do.. I have been teaching young Photogs for years
to use only one light before adding more to any people portraits…
my set up is one main, one hair light..(sometimes)
“upwards to towards the wall, and slightly towards her, but flagged so that no light fell directly on her from the flash.”
This is exactly the part I was hoping and waiting you would provide. Thanks for your generosity in sharing your amazing skills. Any workshop coming to Los Angeles in the near future? I’m a very new photog and very eager to learn. Love your approach!
Noel .. bouncing flash in that way is a frequent topic here, eg getting directional light from your on-camera flash, and throw away the tupperware.
I will most likely have another series of workshops in California somewhere at the start of 2010, but will only announce them later this year.
Great example. Thanks for the teaching!
May I ask what kind of Portraiture plug-in did you use?
I attended Neil’s Workshop in Cork on Sunday. As an amateur photographer in a room full of pros I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up, but Neil’s fantastic style of teaching meant that everything was explained so well and I came away from the day buzzing and impatient to try out all of the new techniques I’d learnt. Thanks Neil for a brilliant day and for being so generous with your knowledge. Thanks to the two charming and gorgeous models and to Liam for organising great day. As a previous poster said, if Neil is ever giving a Workshop in your town, don’t miss it!
Neil, you are a genius with on camera flash. Any chance of a Calgary workshop?? ;-)
What an Incredibly beautiful lady Noreen is and what amazing eyes!!
Wow Neil the lighting (yes I noticed the lighting this time! he he) is truly amazing! Plus it really looks like you’ve used a specially lit backdrop instead of it being a normal room, I can really see that your added dark vignette also helps provide a studio lighting effect by drawing the attention to the center of the shot.
This would make a fantastic photo painting, I really love the warm tones and hues.
Out of interest what f stop did you use and roughly how far away was the background?
I’ve just started experimenting (last weekend) with a manual f/1.7 lens that I used at f/2 but think I might use f/2.8 and smaller instead for head and shoulder shots and save f/2 for near full length body shots.
Kind regards,
Could you explain how you arrived at the ambient exposure for this photo? The non-flash picture looks severely underexposed, more than a stop in any case. Or did you not worry about the ambient exposure at all, since the flash was going to be the main light source?
Thanks for such an incredibly informative and education site.
I agree. Who uses a 70-200 f2.8 lens for landscape shots, and if they did for whatever reason, not at f2.8. And if you must use that lens at f2.8, then it was just the fact that you must have the shot period and any light fall off or vignette would be acceptable, at least you got the shot right. Perfect world would allow ISO 100 at f8 and enough shutter speed.
I too hear a lot of photographers complain about this and cant see why its so important. I’m with Neil, I like it. I guess these are the technical review junkies who wish to be able to find every fault in product to define their abilities as a nerd. I enjoyed this entry. Thanks. Come close so I can attend one of these jewels Neil. I see the one in Atlanta. Hopefully…for the sake of my business, I have to work then, but if I can do without…I’M THERE!
I love my 70-200 f2.8. Any slight vignetting doesn’t bother me at all as I often add my own in anyway.
this is stunning! it looks so simple, natural, and nice…
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I bought your book and I suggest everyone do the same. I started looking for the book when I first read about it on this site. I preordered back in the spring when the release date was supposed to be August 3. Then I ran across the first in a B&N store in Kansas; bought it immediately and canceled my preorder. It cost more that way what with sales taxes etc., but well worth it. Great job, sir. It has opened a whole new way of taking pictures for me. Everyone out there reading this: buy the book. It’s worth every penny and then some.
I agree with you about the vignette effect. I am just starting to post a few pictures from the Brighton workshop – this one shows that natural vignette effect very well, I think.
Thanks again Neil for all you have taught us.
The vignette effect of the 70-200mm f/2.8 is slight. I use Lightroom to remove it.
Hi Neil
I would like to thank you from myself and from all of those that were privileged enough to attend your MASTERCLASSES in Flash Photography in Cork over the two days. The 11 hours+ each day went to fast, you have so much energy, patience, experience, understanding, knowledge and above all commitment to the delegates on your workshop.
There were plenty of questions and all answered in a way that it made sense to everyone. The seminar section was amazing but to actually go and practice this for ourselves with the beautiful models, the great surroundings and have you there to look at what we were doing and helping us when needed was truly amazing. You provide so much information in a way that made us all look at flash photography in such a different way. You made flash photography not seem daunting anymore but a pleasure, which is such a compliment to you. Everyone there came away with knowledge that far exceeded their expectations of your workshop (and they were high going in). For those of you out there who have not gone on a workshop yet, take the opportunity when Neil is in your city. You will value every minute of it. I look forward to working with you again in organizing next years workshops in Ireland and beyond.
Best wishes
Neil, I keep coming back to this photo time and time again, I think it is just beautiful, thanks so much for all your efforts.
If you fancy running a course in Northern Ireland next time you are over I would be more than happy to help with the organization and logistics
Neil, if you could make it to Northern Ireland next visit over this way I would love to attend one of the course as your work is amazing.
Is the book available here.
Neil: Hope my comment about your wonderful book didn’t confuse everyone in Ireland. This “McCarty” lives in Oklahoma. Mr. Amberson should try Amazon to get the book. Finished the book last night and feel that I ought to read it again. It was a fast read because I couldn’t put it down. Thanks again.
For some reason (which I guess only the publishers can explain) Neil’s book won’t be released until 09.09.09 over here (according to the Amazon UK site). Having had the good fortune to be able to attend one of Neil’s workshops here, I wanted to get my hands on the book as soon as possible while the workshop material was still fresh in my mind, so I just ordered it from Amazon US! Seems to work out slightly cheaper that way too!
Thanks Thorsten, yeah I just ordered from US now as I was waiting for UK. Hope you enjoyed the course as much as I did.
Next time Neil please remember Scotland.
Its a shame we were over looked.
Neil thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge. I’ve just started reading your blog and can’t quite seem to “put it down” sort of speak. Learning a lot! You stated: And of course, with a touch of sweetning in Photoshop, this time using one of the filters in Nik Color Efex Pro 3, the lovely portrait of Noreen can be enhanced to make it pop even more. What filter did you use? And here’s a request to have a seminar in St. Louis. I’ll be the first to sign up.
Just saw that you had a seminar here in St. Louis in May. Oh well, sorry I missed it. Hope you’ll find your way back soon.
Hi Neil,
I am seriously considering attening one of your workshops this Fall… Your photos are incredible. Lighting is one of the areas that I have a few problems with, but I can see that you have mastered this (and every) aspect of photography…
Where will the seminar in Atlanta be held at?
stunning. you really have the use of flash while making it look like vailable light nailed.
Hi Neil,
Beautiful photo and model.
Can you tell me which Color Efex pro 3 filter was used on this and did you make adjustment to the filter controls or did you just use the filter at default settings?
Also, are you considering any workshops here in Australia?
Cheers, Allan
so nice picture I love it,so fine and cool pleasant colour.
Haven’t completed the book yet. Was hoping it would bring me up to speed before your class in Portland. Haven’t discovered how to determine flash setting. I guess the camera (my D200) meter determines the ambient reading. But then the distance from the reflective surface the flash will bounce off of would seem to be a factor in the flash setting. In any case I’m glad I found your site and have the book. I’ll be a faithful follower. Have a wedding in December I hope to use the techniques being taught here.
Very good article. Hope to see more!
Hi there!
The result is verry impressive an inspiring to me. This is what i am trying to get every time i do portraits.
What was the distance from Flash to Wall? and which setting did you on Flash and camera.
jealous Greetings from Bremen Germany ; )
Which specific filter in Color Efex Pro 3 did you use Neil?
I love the lighting that you achieved with just a simple flash and a foamy thing.
I don’t know if you said but did you have the flash gelled with a CTO?
Do You always use raw files?
JPG is never an option for me. It has to be RAW.
Good day Neil,
Love the new setup of your site, it’s been a long time coming. I also had a similar experience with a Mac last year, now I find it hard to use the PC in our day to day office work.
I’m really sorry I was not aware you were in Cork. I live North of Dublin and would have arranged to attend your courses. When will you be doing something similar in Ireland?
I bought a SB-600 speed-light and could really do with some inspiration.
Happy St.Patrick’s day 17th
Chris .. There are tentative plans for me to visit the UK and Ireland later this year. I’ve been in contact with Liam Ramsell who arranged the workshops in Ireland in 2009. We’ll see. If it does get off the ground, I will post about it. : )
Neil, just want to thank you for the various articles regarding short light, model and pose. Greatly appreciated!
I can’t stop looking at the first photo, what an amazing shot. You’re a Great Teacher Neil, and thanks a lot for TANGENTS. I’ve gone through chapters of your lighting book at the store: Direction & Quality Of Light and i’m buying it and the 2 others shortly. Hopefully you’ll write one on posing soon. Keep up the Great Work Sir.
I think I read all the comments. but I am wondering about white balance. How do you keep good white balance if the walls are painted in other than white colors, like, say orange or blue?
That photograph of Noreen above is just s-e-n-s-a-t-i-o-n-a-l! Luscious. You rock, Neil!
For sometime now, I have been silently lurking on your wonderful site. It’s bookmarked and I browse it at least once a day. Your flash photography basics & techniques pages are superlative in the way all elements are bound together into a nice recipe for tasty photographs!!
Thank you for the most lucid, patient, and generous explanation of photography (flash & otherwise) on the internet. Just received 2 of your books: On-camera flash and Direction & Quality of Light. Can’t wait to get started.
I am a hobby shooter, hoping to take my photography to the next level, having purchased a Yongnuo TTL flash for my Nikon D40. I am fairly conversant with exposure basics and just got started with on-camera flash photography. My cute little niece is the trigger for this interest :).
Expect some questions soon ;).